Transactions of this type will be sent for authorization. The transaction will be automatically picked up for settlement if approved. This is the default transaction type in the gateway. If no type is indicated when submitting transactions to the gateway, the gateway will assume that the transaction is of the type AUTH_CAPTURE.
Transactions of this type are submitted if the merchant wishes to validate the credit card for the amount of the goods sold. If the merchant does not have goods in stock or wishes to review orders before shipping the goods, this transaction type should be submitted. The gateway will send this type of transaction to the financial institution for approval. However this transaction will not be sent for settlement. If the merchant does not act on the transaction within 30 days, the transaction will no longer be available for capture.
This transaction is used to request settlement for a transaction that was previously submitted as an AUTH_ONLY. The gateway will accept this transaction and initiate settlement if the following conditions are met:
• The transaction is submitted with the ID of the original authorization-only transaction, which needs to be settled.
• The transaction ID is valid and the system has a record of the original authorization-only transaction being submitted.
• The original transaction referred to is not already settled or expired or errored.
• The amount being requested for settlement in this transaction is less than or equal to the original authorized amount.
If no amount is submitted in this transaction, the gateway will initiate settlement for the amount of the originally authorized transaction.
Note: If extended line item, tax, freight, and/or duty information was submitted with the original transaction, adjusted information may be submitted in the event that the transaction amount changed. If no adjusted line item, tax, freight, and/or duty information is submitted, the information submitted with the original transaction will apply.
In addition to the required fields in the API, the following is required to submit a
PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE type transaction:
• x_version = 3.1
• x_login = merchant API login ID
• x_fp_hash = the transaction fingerprint
• x_fp_sequence = merchant-determined sequence value
• x_fp_timestamp = timestamp for the generation of the fingerprint
• x_trans_id = the transaction ID of the previously authorized transaction
This transaction is also referred to as a “Refund” and indicates to the gateway that money should flow from the merchant to the customer. The gateway will accept a credit or a refund request if the transaction submitted meets the following conditions:
• The transaction is submitted with the ID of the original transaction against which the credit is being issued (x_trans_id).
• The gateway has a record of the original transaction.
• The original transaction has been settled.
• The sum of the amount submitted in the Credit transaction and all credits submitted against the original transaction is less than the original transaction amount.
• The full or last four digits of the credit card number submitted with the credit transaction match the full or last four digits of the credit card number used in the original transaction.
• The transaction is submitted within 120 days of the settlement date of the original transaction.
A fingerprint is required to submit a credit to the system (i.e., x_fp_hash should have a valid value when a CREDIT transaction is submitted).
For details about how to submit CREDIT transactions to the Payment Gateway, please see the Issuing Credits Guide at
This is a request to settle a transaction that was not submitted for authorization through the payment gateway. The gateway will accept this transaction if an authorization code is submitted. x_auth_code is a required field for CAPTURE_ONLY type transactions.
This transaction is an action on a previous transaction and is used to cancel the previous transaction and ensure it does not get sent for settlement. It can be done on any type of transaction (i.e., CREDIT, AUTH_CAPTURE, CAPTURE_ONLY, and AUTH_ONLY). The transaction will be accepted by the gateway if the following conditions are met:
• The transaction is submitted with the ID of the transaction that has to be voided.
• The gateway has a record of the transaction referenced by the ID.
• The transaction has not been sent for settlement.
For a transaction of type VOID, the following fields are required (in addition to the other required fields in the API):
• x_version = 3.1
• x_login = merchant API login ID
• x_fp_hash = the transaction fingerprint
• x_fp_sequence = merchant-determined sequence value
• x_fp_timestamp = timestamp for the generation of the fingerprint
• x_trans_id = the transaction ID that needs to be voided