Avectra Xml Web Services with Authentication Token release: http://www.avectra.com/2005/ - For additional information or for questions concerning xWeb please navigate to netForum xWeb Online help at http://wiki.avectra.com/index.php?title=XWeb. Please note: all xWeb message exchanges are recommended to occur over SSL.
The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
Passing correct credentials to this method will return an authentication token - without an authentication token, the rest of the xWeb web methods will be inoperable. The authentication token is governed by the group privileges assigned to the account invoking the xWeb web methods. Please consult with the administrator of the netForum database to ensure your level of authorization. This method MUST be the first method invoked at xWeb, as the authentication token that is returned is required for every xWeb method.
Inserts advocacy data for US Representatives and US Senators. This method can only create content and cannot update content.
Returns the inserted key(s) for the invoice. Parameters: XmlNode or 3DES encrypted string.
Returns the inserted key(s) for the payment. Parameters: XmlNode or 3DES encrypted string.
Retrieve data from a query that was built in the netForum iWeb Run Query form.
Retrieve definition of an iWeb Dynamic Query
Returns all the fields and related data for the requested object. This method is marked for removal - the GetQuery() method returns same functionality.
Retrieves the complete list of netForum Facade Objects that can be invoked.
Provides a W3C XML Schema for any netFORUM Facade object. The only parameter for this method is a valid ObjectName - the textual display name of the object for which the Xml Schema document is being requested (individual, address, etc.). The Xml Schema document that is returned contains the data relationships, the datatypes, and the documentation for each element and group. In short, this method returns a complete snapshot of the netForum Facade object.
Returns basic contact information for the individual.
Returns basic contact information for the organization.
Provides a means of retrieving single or multiple data records and returns either the specific columns (pruning the number of elements is governed by how the netforum facade object was constructed, for example, the one-to-many relationships cannot be rendered in a flat-view - in these cases, no value will be returned for the impacted elements) or the complete Facade object record (returning all the fields associated with a netForum Facade object can be done by passing a "*" as the sole value for the szColumnList value).
Returns XmlNode with List Table definition for a given netFORUM Object. This information is provided for documentation for using the GetQuery web method.
Provides version information about the xWeb application and Database Server and Name.
Inserts a netForum Facade object and if successful returns the primary key of the Facade object record that was created.
Creates basic contact information for the individual.
Creates basic contact information for the organization.
Updates basic contact information for the individual.
Updates basic contact information for the organization.
Updates a netForum Facade object and returns the modified netForum Facade object record. Parameters: szObjectName, szObjectKey, oNode. szObjectName - the textual display name of the object for which the schema information is being Requested (individual, address, etc.). szObjectKey - the GUID representing an object's unique identity (primary key). oNode - an XML node containing elements that correspond to the Facade object's fields used to update the netForum data store.
Provides an authentication token for a valid customer login and password. The value for the login field depends on a netForum Systems Option ("useEmailForAuthorization"), so please check with the netforum administrator for the setting. If there are more than one record with the exact same login and password combination, then the service will return the first match. The netForum System Option "hashPassword" is observed for the password value - the service will match the plainText to the ciphered Text in the database. The keyOverride parameter is an implementation specific parameter (web.config change) to force xWeb to return the customer key (cst_key) for a valid credential.
Forces the authentication token to be destroyed - this method is the companion method to the WebLogin() method or the WebValidate() method. xWeb doesn't return an Xml Node for success.
Provides the customer key (cst_key) for the authenticated token that is passed as a parameter - this method can be invoked after a successful WebLogin() method returns an authentication token. The authentication token is the only parameter for this method.
Ref:- https://www.sslnacwa.com/xweb/secure/netforumxml.asmx