Calling Authenticate with PHP Xweb xwebSecureClient Avectra netFORUM

This is a small sample adapted from the xwebSecureClass that shows calling the Authenticate method and getting the soap headers. NOTE: This code was adapted on the fly and is untested right now, if you find success or bugs please update the code accordingly.
<?php$nfxweb = new SoapClient("",         Array('trace'=>true, //turning on trace=true will let us grab the headers and responses            'exceptions'=>true ));  //these are the params set in the constructor$authReqParams = Array('userName'=>'bobbojones', 'password' => 'secretsecret');$responseHeaders = '';try{    //run the soap call to get it - with the headers.      $response = $nfxweb->__SoapCall("Authenticate", array('parameters'=>$authReqParams), null,null, $responseHeaders);    //Here is the auth token from our response    $authToken = $responseHeaders['AuthorizationToken']->Token;    $xwebNamespace = $response->AuthenticateResult;} catch(SoapFault $exception) {    throw $exception;} //Create the header for our next request.$authHeaders = new SoapHeader($xwebNamespace, 'AuthorizationToken', Array('Token'=>$authToken), true); //make our next request, with the new header and capture the token again.$arguments = Array('szObjectKey'=>"899D54C8-2D34-4E8B-B276-000B80C8958E", 'szObjectName'=>'Individual');$response = $nfxweb->__soapCall("GetFacadeObject", $arguments, null, $authHeaders, $responseHeaders);        $authToken = $responseHeaders['AuthorizationToken']->Token;?>
Please note that some client has run into some weird compatibility issue between PHP and .net web serivces regarding how auguments is called on SOAP calls.